Sunday, April 8, 2012


So this is attempt no45 to kick myself in the you-know-what, and to keep my blog (or my sorry excuse for a blog!) updated. It's kinda pointless, I know I'll probably end up neglecting it again in the very near future.. and I know, it's kinda pointless to state this fact, as I should be positive instead of setting myself up to fail, but what can I say... that's how belief works. I believe the sun will set tomorrow because I've seen it set every day for 27 years now every day, I also happen to believe I'll fail lamentably at posting here every week, because never in my past have I been dedicated/motivated enough to keep a decent blog rolling.

Not that I'm particularly busy or anything, especially now that I'm a professional student on strike... (yup.) I got a lot of time on my hands, time I'm almost ashamed to admit spending on less than stellar intellectual enterprises (ANTM anyone?). What's a girl to do though? I can't work, since I don't know when classes are gonna pick up again, I can't write my papers, because I don't know if I'll even have to turn them in or not.. All I can do is read, and as much of a sucker as I am for a good book, I just can't get myself to read for 8 hours a day. I would turn into a social science zombie!

I'd much rather be reading those physics books I bought over Christmas time too, but I get so tired of reading only from my classes, I can't even imagine myself reading for FUN right now. Which is mildly sad, but I can live with that for a few more years, just so I get myself a decent degree in.. something! In other news, I'll be attending the ACFAS congress this next month. Two of my teachers are lecturing on Durkheim's Elementary Forms of Religious Life, a text I wrote about in my term paper last semester and really enjoyed reading altogether. I strongly suggest the conclusion of that book to anyone reading this, it was published a century ago, in 1912, and is still very much of actuality. Anyhow, I'm really excited to attend, my research on secular humanism and atheism will surely benefit from the insight, and I'm curious to hear what my professors have to say about this subject at large. I know they're both very critical and passionate, as well as convinced anti-utilitarians, so it will surely be entertaining and insightful!

So since it's Easter, I'll leave y'all with a Easter-themed video from Deep Sky Videos:

Enjoy! xxx

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hello 2012!

A new year, new challenges, new directions.

I'm not one for resolutions, although if I were to pick one, I'd say spending less on makeup and more on healthy food and life choices would be first on my list.. *coughs* But nevermind this, I think if you need to make a change in your life, you don't need to wait for a new year to embark on your journey. I mean I'm all for setting dates for important things (I've heard it was a good tip to stop smoking to set a date for it and prepare mentally before you go cold-turkey). The most important date for me in 2012 will most likely be March 1rst, since I have to pick a major by then. It's SOOO SO hard, because I'm interested in too many things at once, and can't decide if I wanna take the long road and study physics, or if I wanna keep with the humanities and go into science of religions.

The latter seems to be the simplest option, I just don't know yet how I can succeed to integrate it into my life and grow into a... religion expert? Heck, if I'm lucky the mayas were right, and those existential questions are illusory and useless in the face of the impending doom that awaits us in December! :P

I was gonna do some "What I got for Christmas" haul, but then I figured.. who really cares that I got a coffee machine? So I'll abstain. I WILL say though that I got the Laura Mercier Oil-Free Foundation at Sephora during the holiday break and that I am IN LOVE with it. Also a big shoutout to the Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Shadow Pencil in Sin, which is the most flattering shade and stays put FOREVER.

That being said, I also bought 4 books, to feed the mind as well as the vain beauty addictions, y'know.. so:

The Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch
For the Love of Physics by Walter Levin
The Hidden Reality by Brian Green
Religion in Human Evolution by Robert N. Bellah

I started reading The Hidden Reality, and so far, besides some random facts about an old Einstein ignoring string theory as it became the leading theory, I didn't learn much. This MIGHT be a sign that I am watching way too many videos and reading too many physics forums trying to understand quantum physics and the theory of everything as it unravels, or maybe it's just that I only the introduction so far... ;) Spacetime will tell.. (huhuhu)

Katsy xx